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The Late Cliff Cyrus Gicheru Gichini 34
We the families of Gichini and Gicheru with profound sadness wish to announce the passing away of Cliff Cyrus Gicheru Gichini 34, of Worcester Ma on August 11 2015 in Franklin Virginia, USA. He leaves behind two children Celsie Wanjiru Gicheru and Cayden Gichini Gicheru and their mother Caroline Mburu. Prayers are being held daily at 8 Merchant St. Worcester Ma. Memorial services & Fundraiser will be conducted at First Assembly Church on 30 Tyler Prentice Rd on Sunday August 16 at 3 PM. The family will be repatriating his body back home to be buried at his father’s farm in Kabatini, Kenya. For more information please reach out to Kevin Gichini at 774-232-8855, Ann Gicheru at 508 579-2135, Josephine Gicheru at 774 253 5246, Jane Wahu at 508 769 2373 & Kibathi at 508 353 6454. Another brother gone way too soon. AMEN