Transition/Death Announcement of Ruth Mukuli lovingly known to all as “Mwaitu”
Ruth Mukuli was promoted to glory on 10/4/2020. Ruth, lovingly known to all as “Mwaitu” loved and served God and people all the days of her life.
She was a giver and empathized with all people. The gap she’s left is big, but even bigger is the love left behind. Please join the family, friends, clergy, and the community in celebrating her life in a Memorial Service, on Sunday 10/11/2020, via Zoom.
We acknowledge and appreciate the Kenyan community , friends’ unity, love, and giving by God’s grace.
Please forward your cash contributions to
$JasMut Cashapp# 978-764-2463
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We have zoom meetings from this coming Thursday to Saturday at 7pm.
The memorial service will be held on Sunday.
We have zoom meeting for prayers for the Timothy Mukuli’s Family starting tomorrow Thursday October 8th. 2020 at 7pm.
Please find the link below and/or you may use the meetingID and the password to join.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 850 2781 5113
Passcode: 525607
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Meeting ID: 850 2781 5113
Passcode: 525607
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