Dear Kenyans Living Abroad aka Diaspora, Take Time to Read Exodus 1:8
KIDA members,friends and family the Dschungelwien theatre house(Austria)
Dear Kenyans Living Abroad aka Diaspora, Take Time to Read Exodus 1:8
“There arose another King who knew not Joseph”. That verse should always warn you that if you decide to live in another Country- you will always be seen as a foreigner. Always take time to invest back home, the only place that you will never be chased away from.
Always keep it at the back of your mind that the winds may change and life Abroad may not be as comfortable as it is right now.
Learn from the Somali Refugees that came to Kenya in the 1990s. Baba Moi made them comfortable and many thought that they will be living in Kenya forever. The few that invested back in Somalia found it easy to go back when the tide changed after Kibaki took over. Those that never invested in Somalia found the going very tough.
From the nationalistic wave hitting Europe and America, I foresee tough times for Kenyans living abroad. With the average voters openly electing pure racist narrow minded leaders- I see the tide changing against foreigners.
I would urge the Diasporans to start taking matters in Kenya seriously. Start taking the Politics in Kenya seriously, by making sure that leaders are accountable. If possible use reputable cooperatives like Stima Investment to invest in plots and build your house (Instead of sending money to relatives who will end up chewing most of your money). Think about farming in Kenya.
With all these nincompoops being elected…. you may need your homeland Kenya sooner rather than later.
By Gordon Opiyo