3 Ways to Optimize Your Video Advertising Strategy on Facebook
Over the years, online video content has become an extremely valuable tool for advertisers to create excitement and buzz around a brand or product launch. In addition to a company’s owned media channels, platforms like YouTube and Vimeo have dominated this space for years. Facebook however, has only recently taken steps to become a significant player in this space with its video hosting services :Photo: Courtesy
3 Ways to Optimize Your Video Advertising Strategy on Facebook
1. What a big font you have . . .
The better to see your video with, my dear! Using larger graphics and fonts is critical. This is especially true on mobile devices (where Facebook has a strong hold), where tiny graphics and text are almost illegible. For great examples of videos with large, easy-to-read captions, check out pretty much any BuzzFeed video — with the sound off.
Related: Why Facebook Says Your Video Ads Should Be Silent
To maximize the effectiveness of a video ad and reach as many devices as possible, create mobile versions of each video and run these ads independently of the desktop version. Smaller mobile screens will affect the viewer’s experience. According to research by the Interactive Advertising Bureau, in partnership with Millward Brown Digital and Tremor Video, videos on smartphones are less likely to aid brand awareness than those viewed on desktops, because of the former kind of videos’ decreased visibility.
In addition, because filming is usually the most expensive part, while you’ve got the camera out, film several variations of the video’s key elements, and get feedback to optimize the ad’s performance. A little planning ahead goes a long way.
2. Short is the new black.
Keep video ads to no more than 15 seconds, if possible. Although that brevity may not feel possible, it is, and the struggle is worth the reward. Try creating a 15-second video and a 30-second video, and then A/B test them against each other to see which performs best. Examine the viewing stats for each targeted audience, and use that information to settle on the most effective length.READ MORE
Source: https://www.entrepreneur.com/