Urica Dinner Thursday Night at the Radisson Hotel N.Chelmsford,Massachusetts
Ubrica One Seminar Boston,Massachusetts, June 10 – 11, 2016 @ the Radisson Hotel 10 Independence Dr,Chelmsford,MA
All are Invited! Saturday 9Am to 4Pm Be there!!
FREE EVENT!! Contact:Beatrice M 9783828542
By: Macharia Waruingi, MD, DHA
You are invited to discover how to participate in Ubrica and own a Ubrica One Retail Clinical Center (URCC). Learn the basics of building Sustainable One-Health Communities (SOHCs) in Africa. What is your role in it?
Registrations & official welcome team pose for a photo at the Ongoing Ubrica One Boston Meeting at Radisson Hotel Chelmsford,MA
Ubrica Seminar in Massachusetts, scheduled for June 11- 12, 2016, at the Raddison Hotel, 10 Independence Drive, Chelmsform, MA 01824,strives to build business relationships and partnerships between Americans and Africans that will promote improvement of health of people living in Africa through the UBRICA PROJECT.
You will spend two days exploring business opportunities in health promotion and disease prevention, pharmaceutical and medical devices research and development, manufacture of generic drugs and devices, building health facilities, and managing high quality health services.
Ubrica team oroff Mann & Chanam Lee Ubrica Architecture
You will also engage in a workshop exploring important topical areas of health production in Africa based on UBRICA ONE. Critical areas of focus in the workshops will be agriculture, food, and nutrition, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, medical supplies, hospitals and clinics. In addition, conference workshops will address opportunities in energy generation, water supply, and physical infrastructure needed to improve health in Africa.
Ubrica CEO Dr.Macharia taking selfies with the Ubrica Boston Team as Beatrice M(Chairperson Boston) looks on
Ubrica One Design team from Texas A&M University, led by George J. Mann, The Skaggs & Sprague Endowed Professor of of Health Facilities Design, will facilitate the seminar. Learn more at ubrica.com, or [email protected].
See you there!
The Ubrica New England Team