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How To Boost Your Metabolism

Metabolism is the rate at which food is converted into energy for the body’s different functions. In addition, it is the rate at which food is disposed off by the body.

Seven Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

Metabolism varies amongst different individuals. Those with slow metabolism tend to put on weight much faster because the food they eat is not absorbed as fast. Here are ways to increase the process.

Have a healthy breakfast to boost your system. Since the body has been deprived of food for a long time (during sleep), get your system going with a healthy balanced breakfast.

Ways to Boost Your Metabolism thumb How To Boost Your MetabolismEnsure that carbohydrates are part of the breakfast. Healthy carbohydrates include cereals, oats, wholegrain cereals, bananas, oranges, grapefruits and apples. Others are sweet potatoes, low fat and skimmed milk, shredded wheat, carrots, brown rice, raisins, water melon, and beans.

Drink at least 8-12 glasses of water daily. Drink water first thing in the morning, wait for ten minutes, then you can take your breakfast.

Wait for at least twenty minutes after each meal before you take water. Taking it immediately after a meal only slows down the digestive process

Drink warm water. Cold water only goes to solidify the fatty substances we have eaten. Our bodies are naturally warm. Water should be drunk at almost the same temperature.

Even after a work out at the gym, take warm water.

Green Tea
In addition to being an antioxidant, green tea helps in the digestion process by slowing down the process of sugar and fat absorption.Green tea is a good source of energy. It detoxifies the body, improves bowel movement and lowers blood pressure.

Some people enjoy it with milk, honey, sugar, syrup or just straight.

Eat regularly
It is advisable to take meals regularly. When the body absorbs food regularly, it is broken down faster. Instead of taking two large meals a day, break it down into five or six small portions. This works!! Try it

A word of caution: take a heavy breakfast, and a heavy lunch. By dinner, the meal should consist of vegetables and proteins. Avoid starch for dinner.

Regular exercise
Have you heard that bowel movement increases after a good work out? It’s no lie….Exercise for at least 30 minutes daily. It could be a walk in your neighborhood, a gym session, a swim… Just do something you enjoy. As you get used exercising, increase the time to 45 minutes or an hour.

Vitamins B and C are very useful for this process as well. Whole greens, green leafy vegetables, mushrooms, meat products(preferably white meat), citrus fruits are good examples.

Avoid Sugar
Sweets, candy, aerated, drinks and sugar should be avoided. They ‘complicate’ the digestion process.

Always keep in mind that the results may not show as fast. Don’t quit. These are great metabolism boosting tips that you should adopt as part of a healthy lifestyle.



About Us Samrack Prestige Services is an Errands Service Company that incorporates various Service Agencies to help assist organizations, families and individuals concentrate on their core objectives. »We seek to Handle your TO DO LISTS. » We provide you the means to BALANCE your organizations, family and career life. » We provide you with an alternative option from your BUSY schedule to effectively manage your lifestyle by creating more TIME for you and your organization. Samrack Prestige Services will do all your running up and down for you, do your errands and help you fit in where you are not able to due to the tight demand on your TIME. This will add value and balance in lifestyle; thus creating quality time to spend with the things or person that matters most in your life i.e. Family, School, Career. You don’t have to worry we will wash your car, do grocery shopping, deliver gifts, chocolate, edible arrangements to that special one in your life, plan an event, design websites, flyers, brochures, business cards, research on one’s family history (TREE), deliver checks to your staff, the list is endless. We Take it Personal, are discreet, efficient, timely, innovative, creative, flexible and confidential.

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