Glorious Power Church Presents:Dinner Fellowship /New Beginning Conference with Rev.Lucy Natasha from Kenya & Host Pst Lucy Paynter,with visiting guest musician Evelyne Wanjiru from Kenya & Ev Mercy Agnes from Virginia MAY 26th 2017
New Beginning Conference..
God gives us revelations and truths to propel us into new and different seasons. Why? Because we are creatures of habit and if He didn’t change things we would become complacent in one place. It is the desire of our Father that we step up into the new level and be ushered into a new beginning. Everyday a new day dawns is an opportunity to experience the newness of the season. Every aspect of our lives is as to a season. And there is a purpose for those seasons. There is a reason for the season. There is a purpose for the process.
Therefore, in the New Beginning Conference we are expectant to receive new revelation that will ushers us into the new season.
Our guest speaker is Reverend Lucy Natasha She is an Oracle of God, an apostle of grace, a passionate revivalist and a prophet of hope. A courageous missionary to the nations, an ambassador of Christ and a great Kenyan patriot.
Guest singer Evelyn Wanjiru Agundabwen is a Kenyan gospel singer, worship leader, music director, songwriter and co founder of Bwenieve production. She is best known for her hit songs “Mungu Mkuu,” “Waweza,” “Hossana,” “Nikufahamu” and “Tulia.”
Evangelist Mercy Agnes from Virginia founder of waves of joy ministry.
She has 3 albums Rehoboth, Wendo & Rathira. These three albums have songs that will inspire you and change your life.