Don’t blame me for your failures, Uhuru tells Ruto

Former President says government should instead address problems facing Kenyans instead of heaping everything on him.

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Don’t blame me for your failures, Uhuru tells Ruto

Former President says government should instead address problems facing Kenyans instead of heaping everything on him.

  • Uhuru was attending a church service in Mwingi, Machakos County.
  • Kenya Kwanza has been blaming the previous government for the current economic problems.

Retired President Uhuru Kenyatta has told the Kenya Kwanza government not to blame his administration for their failures.

In a rare attack on the current regime, the former Head of State said the current government should instead address the problems facing Kenyans instead of heaping everything on the past regime.

“Every time one is unable to do what he should do they blame the past government, [with this trend] even if the wife has refused to give birth it will be blamed on us, but we are used to this,” Uhuru said.

As former Head of State, Uhuru said, all he can do is to pray for Kenya and the unity of the nation.

“I had retired but I am praying for Kenya, I am really praying for unity,” he said.

Uhuru spoke during a church service in Mwingi, Kitui county.

He was accompanied by Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka, ODM deputy party leader Wycliffe Oparanya, DAP-K leader Eugene Wamalwa, Governor Wavinya Ndeti and her deputy Francis Mwangangi and a host of Azimio lawmakers.

Uhuru’s remark appear to be directed at President William Ruto’s administration that has severally blamed the current economic crisis on the past regime.

Both Ruto and his deputy Rigathi Gachagua have linked Uhuru’s administration to the current high cost of living.

Early this month, Treasury Cabinet Secretary Njuguna Ndung’u blamed the high cost of living on alleged economic blunders of the retired President’s regime.

The Treasury boss spoke when he appeared before the National Dialogue Committee.

“We are paying for the past policy mistakes, that is the truth. We are paying for the mistakes of the past,” Ndung’u said emphatically.

Last week, Transport Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen faulted the previous government for the leaking roof at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport.

“When we got to office, we found out that many of our airports are in a pathetic state and JKIA leaking is a result of that,” he said.

Uhuru maintained he is still a member of the Azimio La Umoja coalition and is not worried by the ongoing blame game.

“I always tell people that I am a member of Azimio. I am not the type to hop from one party to another because that is what I was taught, to be a person with a stand not someone who is easily swayed,” he said.

Uhuru urged the leaders to stay the course and be loyal to ensure that the country is in a better place.

The former President called for unity in the country, telling Kenyans not to allow themselves to be divided along ethnic and class lines.

“My position has not changed, let us continue being united. Let us not be divided along ethnic or class lines,” Uhuru said.

“Every one of us has something to contribute to help the country in the fight against poverty and ensure we have peace.

“Unity of a nation starts from the unity of the leaders, there is no reason for us not to be united.”

Uhuru also addressed roadside rallies where he asked leaders to work for the people who got them into office.

The former President has kept a low profile since he finished his term and handed over power in September 2022.

He was last seen in public when he drove to his son’s residence in Karen in July.

Police had allegedly carried out a search to establish if he was in possession of any weapons.

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