Audio:Sasha Seraphine Mbote Woman Photographed with Raila in Zanzibar Speaks out

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Thank you Kenya for the negative publicity, My tour company is blown up with bookings, Asanteni Sana make me Trend kabisa it’s good energy for business.

Audio:Sasha Seraphine Mbote Woman Photographed with Raila in Zanzibar Speaks out (AUDIO)

That is how Seraphine Mbote, a 37 year-old Kenyan tour guide living in Zanzibar ended up whiling away time with Mr Odinga on a breezy evening and getting photos that have since gone viral on social media.

Speaking to  Samrack Media Ms Mbote ran into Mr Odinga at the Park Hyatt Hotel, she introduced herself as a Kenyan and requested to take a photo with him, a request the opposition leader gladly granted.

Ms Mbote then proceeded to chat with Baba (as she referred to him) during the meet up and later asked if she could share the photos online.

An aide to Mr Odinga’s reportedly told Ms Mbote to only share the photos Wednesday morning.


Source: Samrack media


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