Transition/Death Announcement of Jane Wambui, Beloved Daughter of Charity Nyawira, Lowell, Massachusetts, USA
Transition/Death Announcement of Jane Wambui, Beloved Daughter of Charity Nyawira, Lowell, Massachusetts, USA
“We are saddened to announce the passing of Jane Wambui, beloved daughter of Charity Nyawira Lowell in the USA, and sister to Mama Dan, Phyllis Mate (also known as Mama Chapati), Tata.
For further information or condolences, please contact 206-458-2869 or 253-391-2199 in the USA, and James Njoroge in Kenya. Jane was a loving mother to Alvis in Kenya and a sister to Jack, James (deceased), Grace, Sophie, Kiruka, and Shiku in Seattle, Washington.”
Macakayas Meetings will be held daily, commencing on December 26, 2023, Time 6PM EST for prayers and funeral arrangements.
Venue: 26 2nd Street Apt 1 Lowell, MA
Contact: 253-391-219
Romans 8:38-39
38 “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
We express our heartfelt gratitude for your love and unwavering support. Donations can be made via Zelle or CashApp to assist with prayers and financial support.
For donations:
Cash App or ZELLE
Alice Munene 774-240-6013
Catherine Njoroge: 206-458-2869 ($Cnshiks) or ZELLE : 206-458-2869
Ven Alice Muchai:978-340-1596
Lay Canon:Henry Mwangi:978-601-7041
John Njenga: 978-869-0708
Sam Mwaura :781-975-6145