The late Kevin Koinange 31 years old of Lowell,Massachusetts to be laid to rest on Tuesday
Kevin Koinange (31) R.I.P Lowell,Massachusetts
The late Kevin Koinange 31 years old of Lowell,Massachusetts to be laid to rest on Tuesday
The late Kevin Koinange for Lowell,Massachusetts will be laid to rest on Tuesday April 21 2020
Due to the COVID-19 CDC guidlines and recommendations not more that 10 people are allowed to gather.
Hours of service may differ due to recent COVID-19 regulations
For Attendees:
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Stay home and do not engage in burial and funeral practices if you are sick.
- Practice social distancing by putting at least 6 feet of distance between yourself and other people.
He was at the Rochette Funeral & Cremation Home at 21 Kinsley St Nashua St Nashua,New Hampshire
Kevin Koinange final resting place will be at 101 Kinsley St, Nashua, NH 03060 Woodlawn Cemetery
May God Rest his soul in eternal peace
Transition/Death Announcement of Kevin Koinange of Lowell,Massachusetts
It is with humble acceptance of the Lord’s Will that we announce the passing to eternal glory of Kevin Koinange 31 years old of Lowell,Massachusetts
He was son to Lucy Koinange.
Kevin was born on 4-10-1989 and passed on Tuesday 4-14-2020
Your prayers and support are highly appreciated.
As you all know, due to Covid-19 there will be no meetings.
We are planning to lay Kevin to rest on Tuesday April 21 2020
For more information please contact
Lucy Koinange: 781-513-9326
For your support please Cashapp 💰 781-513-9326